The Promise
12 Sons (& Joseph)
Our journey together this year is exploring God’s Big Story in the Old Testament! Last unit, we looked at the Beginning stories in the first part of Genesis, now we are headed to the second part of Genesis where we learn about some of the first leaders and families in the Bible.
It is encouraged that families watch the videos, read the texts, reflect on the summaries, respond to the questions and pray together. However, Club 56 participants can also do this on their own- you might need a journal for journaling some thoughts!
This week we are combining two lessons into one. So, you will see two Connect videos, two main Bible texts and two Club 56 binder pages. Make sure you take some time to explore both! The lesson “12 sons” sets you up to help you understand the importance of the story of Joseph.
Connect Video(s)
Get a taste of this week’s theme by watching this video then pick one of the questions below to respond to!
- If someone like the sock guys don’t want God’s blessing, why do or don’t you think it sticks?
- How can you be a blessing to others?
- Do you think sharing God’s blessing waters it down just a tiny bit? Why or why not?
- How do you think you would have felt if you were in Joseph’s situation?
- Do you think God still talks to people in dreams? Why or why not?
- Why do you think God gave Joseph the ability to interpret dreams?
- How do you think God speaks to people today?
- How would you respond to a friend telling you something important with a conversation that started, “God told me in a dream . . . ”?
Connect is a curriculum from SPARK that is specifically designed for 5th and 6th graders.
Read, Reflect & Respond
Take some time to dig in deep to the Bible!
Need a Bible? Contact Leah M!
Read the Text: Genesis 49:28
As you read, draw a multiplication sign at the beginning of the verse and write “God’s promise continues!”
Reflect on the Summary:
“The promise made to Abraham and Sarah three generations earlier continued to grow. Abraham and Sarah’s descendants would be as numerous as the stars as God had assured. God is faithful, even when God’s people are not. As Abraham and Sarah’s grandson, Jacob, neared the end of his life, the covenant blessing lurched forward despite the imperfections of those it flowed through. Jacob offered a blessing to each of his 12 sons. The blessing was a reminder of who they were called to be, each suitable for the individual sons. God multiplied the offspring and the blessings of Sarah and Abraham as promised. The 12 sons were the beginning of the 12 tribes of Israel; they would spread out into the world and multiply. They were expected to be God’s people and to carry forward the blessing God initiated in the covenant with Abraham. This verse is a summation of the previous 27 verses, which listed the blessing given to each son.”
Respond to the Questions:
- What predictions or connections can you make about these 12 tribes? What do you think they go on to do or what do you already know that they go on to do?
Read the Text #2: Genesis 41:14-16; 39-40
After you read, draw your best version of a coat and write “God uses people to do God’s work!”
Reflect on the Summary:
“Faith and hope do not always equate to immediate relief from grief and misery. Human beings have a great capacity for inflicting harm and bringing destruction upon others. God’s power to transform is so great that even our greatest evil can be used by God to bring about greater good. Joseph’s life was a roller coaster. The preferred son of his father, his brothers resented him. He was a big-mouthed, spoiled tattletale. His attitude and his father’s favoritism were his undoing with his brothers. They stripped him of the special coat his father had given him and threw him into a pit. Then they sold him to traders who took him as a slave to Egypt. The brothers covered Joseph’s coat with animal blood and gave it to their father as false evidence of his death. Just as Joseph became a trusted, successful servant, evil schemes brought him down, and he found himself in prison. Yet, in prison, Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams brought him to the attention of the pharaoh. Despite his difficulties and the evil intentions of others, Joseph remained faithful to God. God used Joseph—in the awful situation he was in—to ultimately save Egypt and his own family.”
Respond to the Questions:
- What impossible thing do you dream about?
- When have you seen something bad turned into something good?
Remember (Club 56 Binder)
Our Club 56 Binders are for taking notes and helping us remember details in God’s Big Story!
Need a binder? Contact Leah M.
12 Sons
Get out your Club 56 Binder and find the green page with the multiplication sign (labeled 12 Sons). Find the paragraph about why we are using a multiplication sign as a symbol to remember this story and read about it!
On or around the multiplication sign, write important key words, people, events or notes that you want to remember about the 12 Sons story.
Next, find the green page with the coat (labeled Joseph). Find the paragraph about why we are using a coat as a symbol to remember this story and read about it!
On or around the coat, write important key words, people, events or notes that you want to remember about the Joseph story.
Need help? Revisit the texts we explored today or read the paragraph at the bottom of the paper.
“God of Promise,
Thank you for always looking out for us and giving us special callings and tasks to do for you. We pray that we may continue to include and look out for those who are not always noticed or treated fairly by others.
In your name,
Quoted texts are revised from:
Connect Leader Guide. Unit 1—The Promise: 12 Son. wearesparkhouse.org © 2013 sparkhouse. All rights reserved.
Connect Leader Guide. Unit 1—The Promise: Joseph. wearesparkhouse.org © 2013 sparkhouse. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced for local use only provided each copy carries this notice.