Child care workers
LSS Metro Homeless Youth - LifeHaven East St. Paul, St. Paul, MNLutheran Social Service Metro Homeless Youth - LifeHaven. LifeHaven is a transitional living program for homeless minor mothers from the age 16. LifeHaven provides intensive case management services. Help care for children […]
Dignity Center – Gateway Volunteers
The Dignity Center 425 Groveland Avenue, MInneapolis, MN, United StatesDignity Center - Volunteers assist the Dignity Center in its work to end homelessness by providing safe, respectful, positive, dignified atmosphere and practice in which participants can work on stability […]
Dignity Center – Receptionist
The Dignity Center 425 Groveland Avenue, MInneapolis, MN, United StatesDignity Center volunteers assist the Dignity Center in its work to end homelessness by providing a safe, respectful, positive, dignified atmosphere and practice in which participants can work on stability […]
Dignity Center – Advocate
The Dignity Center 425 Groveland Avenue, MInneapolis, MN, United StatesDignity Center volunteers assist the Dignity Center in its work to end homelessness by providing safe, respectful, positive, dignified atmosphere and practice in which participants can work on stability goals. […]
Prayer Team
Prayer for the needs of others daily. Each week, usually Tuesday or Wednesday, you will be sent a list of prayer needs by email and you are asked to pray for the needs as you are comfortable. Sign up here:
Volunteer at the Wednesday Community Meals
Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Rd, St. Anthony Village, MN, United StatesBe on a fun team that sets up (4:30-5:30PM), serves (5:30-6:30PM) or cleans up (6:30-7:30PM) following a community meal. This meal takes place on Wednesdays from September - April. You […]
Wednesday Night Community Meals
Nativity Lutheran Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United StatesAll are welcome. Cost is $5.00 per person or $15 per family. Jan 2 - Pasta Jan 9 - Fried Chicken Jan 16 - Tacos Jan 23 - Meat balls […]
Voices of Women (Choir)
Nativity Sanctuary 3312 Silver Lake Rd, St. Anthony, MNBe vocal. Be courageous. Be present. Come, share and develop your vocal talents and skills. Voices of Women meet each Wednesday evening... "Choir Night." This group sings one weekend each month at four services: Saturday 5:30pm, Sunday 8, 9, and 10:30am. Sign up here:
Youth Small Group Leader
Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Rd, St. Anthony Village, MN, United StatesBe a mentor to work with middle and high school students as they gather for service and learning. This can be done at special events or on a weekly basis. Sign up here:
Nativity Choir (men and women)
Nativity Sanctuary 3312 Silver Lake Rd, St. Anthony, MNPerforms music of the choral tradition from the early Renaissance through the 21st century, acappella and with a variety of instrumental accompaniment. The Nativity Choir rehearses each Wednesday evening at […]