Tuesday Morning Book Conversations on Matters of Faith

Nativity Lutheran Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

We will begin our conversations based on the book THE GREAT SPIRITUAL MIGRATION, Brain McLaren explores three profound shifts that define change among growing numbers of Christians. Spiritually, defining a way of love. Theologically, rejecting image of God as a violent Supreme being to a God who works in the world for the common good. […]

Funeral Service Team

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Rd, St. Anthony Village, MN, United States

Use your baking and/or service skills at funeral receptions held at Nativity. This is done on your own schedule for each funeral on an on-call basis. This service is important because you will provide comfort to those who are grieving. Sign up here:

Rezek House – Meal Volunteers

LSS Metro Homeless Youth - Rezek House Midway area, St. Paul, MN, United States

Make and deliver a meal for Rezek House Transitional Living Rezek House is a 2-year transitional living program for youth ages 16-21 experiencing homelessness. Meals needed on Monday nights Meal is for 15 including 12 youth and 3 staff Rezek House needs to be notified at least 8 days prior to the Monday the meal […]

Child care workers

LSS Metro Homeless Youth - LifeHaven East St. Paul, St. Paul, MN

Lutheran Social Service Metro Homeless Youth - LifeHaven. LifeHaven is a transitional living program for homeless minor mothers from the age 16.  LifeHaven provides intensive case management services. Help care for children (usually ages 2 and under) on Thursday evenings at LifeHaven from 6-8 pm. A volunteer 'on-boarding' process, including a background check, would happen before you […]

Dignity Center – Gateway Volunteers

The Dignity Center 425 Groveland Avenue, MInneapolis, MN, United States

Dignity Center - Volunteers assist the Dignity Center in its work to end homelessness by providing safe, respectful, positive, dignified atmosphere and practice in which participants can work on stability goals. Welcome participants, collect and enter relevant data into the database. Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings, 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.   (Select 1, 2, or 3 […]

Dignity Center – Receptionist

The Dignity Center 425 Groveland Avenue, MInneapolis, MN, United States

Dignity Center volunteers assist the Dignity Center in its work to end homelessness by providing a safe, respectful, positive, dignified atmosphere and practice in which participants can work on stability goals. Manage appointment-making, notifications, and resource distribution. Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings, 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Select 1,2, or 3 mornings per week.) Sign up here:

Dignity Center – Advocate

The Dignity Center 425 Groveland Avenue, MInneapolis, MN, United States

Dignity Center volunteers assist the Dignity Center in its work to end homelessness by providing safe, respectful, positive, dignified atmosphere and practice in which participants can work on stability goals. Work one-on-one with participants to provide support, and help them set and attain goals as they progress on their path to stability. Monday, Wednesday, Friday […]

Volunteer at the Wednesday Community Meals

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Rd, St. Anthony Village, MN, United States

Be on a fun team that sets up (4:30-5:30PM), serves (5:30-6:30PM) or cleans up (6:30-7:30PM) following a community meal. This meal takes place on Wednesdays from September - April. You can sign up as your schedule allows. Sign up here:

Wednesday Night Community Meal… and Information Session.

Nativity Lutheran Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

Come for the food, stay for more info on Nativity. Dinner at 5:30pm in the Fellowship Hall, Info session to follow in room 213. All are welcome. Cost is $5.00 per person or $15 per family.

Nativity Choir (men and women)

Nativity Sanctuary 3312 Silver Lake Rd, St. Anthony, MN

Performs music of the choral tradition from the early Renaissance through the 21st century, acappella and with a variety of instrumental accompaniment. The Nativity Choir rehearses each Wednesday evening at 7pm and generally sings the first and third weekends each month. Sign up here:

Voices of Men (Choir)

Nativity Sanctuary 3312 Silver Lake Rd, St. Anthony, MN

Be vocal. Be courageous. Be present. Come, share and develop your vocal talents and skills. Voices of Men meets each Wednesday evening… “Choir Night.” This group sings one weekend each month – four services, Saturday 5:30pm, Sunday 8, 9, 10:30am. Sign up here:

Global Folk

Nativity Sanctuary 3312 Silver Lake Rd, St. Anthony, MN

This group rehearses Thursday evening and performs one weekend a month. Acoustic instruments united – woodwinds, strings, guitars, bass, piano, and keyboards play music with a universal message and a global appeal. Sign up here:

Dignity Center – Gateway Volunteers

The Dignity Center 425 Groveland Avenue, MInneapolis, MN, United States

Dignity Center - Volunteers assist the Dignity Center in its work to end homelessness by providing safe, respectful, positive, dignified atmosphere and practice in which participants can work on stability goals. Welcome participants, collect and enter relevant data into the database. Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings, 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.   (Select 1, 2, or 3 […]

Dignity Center – Receptionist

The Dignity Center 425 Groveland Avenue, MInneapolis, MN, United States

Dignity Center volunteers assist the Dignity Center in its work to end homelessness by providing a safe, respectful, positive, dignified atmosphere and practice in which participants can work on stability goals. Manage appointment-making, notifications, and resource distribution. Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings, 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Select 1,2, or 3 mornings per week.) Sign up here:

Dignity Center – Advocate

The Dignity Center 425 Groveland Avenue, MInneapolis, MN, United States

Dignity Center volunteers assist the Dignity Center in its work to end homelessness by providing safe, respectful, positive, dignified atmosphere and practice in which participants can work on stability goals. Work one-on-one with participants to provide support, and help them set and attain goals as they progress on their path to stability. Monday, Wednesday, Friday […]

Rezek House – Meal Volunteers

LSS Metro Homeless Youth - Rezek House Midway area, St. Paul, MN, United States

Make and deliver a meal for Rezek House Transitional Living Rezek House is a 2-year transitional living program for youth ages 16-21 experiencing homelessness. Meals needed on Monday nights Meal is for 15 including 12 youth and 3 staff Rezek House needs to be notified at least 8 days prior to the Monday the meal […]

Special Event A/V Operators

Nativity Lutheran Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

We are looking for audio/visual operators for both the sanctuary and Fellowship Hall. Duties include operating the sound mixer, slides and cameras.  Training will be provided. Prior experience is a plus but not a requirement. You must be comfortable with computers and technology. There are always two (preferably three) operators per service/event.

Usher at 9am on the 2nd Sunday of each month

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Rd, St. Anthony Village, MN, United States

Be on an usher team, working with others to greet and assist worshipers on Sunday mornings. Ushers are asked to arrive 20 minuets prior to service (8:40) and stay late to tidy up for the next service. Sign up here:

Club 56 Leader

Nativity Church, Lower Level 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony Village, MN

We need volunteers who can join us in our activities at Club 56. We are learning our Bible Stories and practicing the skills involved in discussing our faith openly. We […]

Coffee Cup Team (2nd Sunday of the month)

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Rd, St. Anthony Village, MN, United States

Join a volunteer team that cleans and replaces used coffee cups. This volunteer should be available from 10:45am to 12:00pm on Sundays. This service is important because it contributes to making Nativity a warm and welcoming environment for worshipers. This opportunity also reflects environmental stewardship. Sign up here:

Women in Action: Day for Girls and Postpartum Kits Sew-A-Thon

Nativity Lutheran Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

Join us as we prepare sanitary hygiene kits and postpartum kits  for Madagascar and elsewhere. We will need sewing machines, as well as: 100%pre-washed flannel cloth-the thicker the better underwear (size 10-14) dark washcloths travel-size soap one gallon size Ziploc bags (not zipper kind) Please bring donations to the event on February 10 or leave in the […]

Dignity Center – Gateway Volunteers

The Dignity Center 425 Groveland Avenue, MInneapolis, MN, United States

Dignity Center - Volunteers assist the Dignity Center in its work to end homelessness by providing safe, respectful, positive, dignified atmosphere and practice in which participants can work on stability goals. Welcome participants, collect and enter relevant data into the database. Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings, 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.   (Select 1, 2, or 3 […]

Dignity Center – Receptionist

The Dignity Center 425 Groveland Avenue, MInneapolis, MN, United States

Dignity Center volunteers assist the Dignity Center in its work to end homelessness by providing a safe, respectful, positive, dignified atmosphere and practice in which participants can work on stability goals. Manage appointment-making, notifications, and resource distribution. Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings, 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Select 1,2, or 3 mornings per week.) Sign up here:

Dignity Center – Advocate

The Dignity Center 425 Groveland Avenue, MInneapolis, MN, United States

Dignity Center volunteers assist the Dignity Center in its work to end homelessness by providing safe, respectful, positive, dignified atmosphere and practice in which participants can work on stability goals. Work one-on-one with participants to provide support, and help them set and attain goals as they progress on their path to stability. Monday, Wednesday, Friday […]

Rezek House – Meal Volunteers

LSS Metro Homeless Youth - Rezek House Midway area, St. Paul, MN, United States

Make and deliver a meal for Rezek House Transitional Living Rezek House is a 2-year transitional living program for youth ages 16-21 experiencing homelessness. Meals needed on Monday nights Meal is for 15 including 12 youth and 3 staff Rezek House needs to be notified at least 8 days prior to the Monday the meal […]

Tuesday Morning Conversations: Speaking Christian, by Marcus Borg

Nativity Lutheran Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

Borg, an internationally renowned Biblical scholar argues that Christianity’s important words, and the sacred texts and stories in which those words are embedded, have been narrowed by a modern framework for the faith. Borg delivers a language for twenty-first-century Christians that grounds the faith in its deep and rich original roots and allows it once again […]

Rezek House – Meal Volunteers

LSS Metro Homeless Youth - Rezek House Midway area, St. Paul, MN, United States

Make and deliver a meal for Rezek House Transitional Living Rezek House is a 2-year transitional living program for youth ages 16-21 experiencing homelessness. Meals needed on Monday nights Meal is for 15 including 12 youth and 3 staff Rezek House needs to be notified at least 8 days prior to the Monday the meal […]

Dignity Center – Gateway Volunteers

The Dignity Center 425 Groveland Avenue, MInneapolis, MN, United States

Dignity Center - Volunteers assist the Dignity Center in its work to end homelessness by providing safe, respectful, positive, dignified atmosphere and practice in which participants can work on stability goals. Welcome participants, collect and enter relevant data into the database. Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings, 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.   (Select 1, 2, or 3 […]

Dignity Center – Receptionist

The Dignity Center 425 Groveland Avenue, MInneapolis, MN, United States

Dignity Center volunteers assist the Dignity Center in its work to end homelessness by providing a safe, respectful, positive, dignified atmosphere and practice in which participants can work on stability goals. Manage appointment-making, notifications, and resource distribution. Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings, 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Select 1,2, or 3 mornings per week.) Sign up here:

Dignity Center – Advocate

The Dignity Center 425 Groveland Avenue, MInneapolis, MN, United States

Dignity Center volunteers assist the Dignity Center in its work to end homelessness by providing safe, respectful, positive, dignified atmosphere and practice in which participants can work on stability goals. Work one-on-one with participants to provide support, and help them set and attain goals as they progress on their path to stability. Monday, Wednesday, Friday […]

Prayer Team

Prayer  for the needs of others daily.  Each week, usually Tuesday or Wednesday, you will be sent a list of prayer needs by email and you are asked to pray for the needs as you are comfortable. Sign up here: