Welcome Desk

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Rd, St. Anthony Village, MN, United States

Provide support to church staff by greeting guests, answering phones and assisting in office projects. This is done during worship times and office hours.   This is important to our community because it provides a welcoming and knowledgeable environment to our guests. Sign up here:

Congregational Meeting for Election of Council and Approval of 2022 Budget

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

A Congregational Meeting will be held December 4-5, 2021. We will meet in person after each worship hour and will offer a Zoom option at 11:45 am on December 5. The purpose of the meeting is to approve the proposed 2022 budget and to elect Council Officers and new Council Members. In the Commons you’ll […]

Congregational Meeting for Election of Council and Approval of 2022 Budget

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

A Congregational Meeting will be held December 4-5, 2021. We will meet in person after each worship hour and will offer a Zoom option at 11:45 am on December 5. The purpose of the meeting is to approve the proposed 2022 budget and to elect Council Officers and new Council Members. In the Commons you’ll […]

Congregational Meeting for Election of Council and Approval of 2022 Budget

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

A Congregational Meeting will be held December 4-5, 2021. We will meet in person after each worship hour and will offer a Zoom option at 11:45 am on December 5. The purpose of the meeting is to approve the proposed 2022 budget and to elect Council Officers and new Council Members. In the Commons you’ll […]

Congregational Meeting for Election of Council and Approval of 2022 Budget

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

A Congregational Meeting will be held December 4-5, 2021. We will meet in person after each worship hour and will offer a Zoom option at 11:45 am on December 5. You can join at https://zoom.us with Meeting ID: 854 5221 2807 and Passcode: 703636, or you may use the direct link offered below. The purpose […]

Annual Meeting


***Please note the start time is 11:45 am. The 2022 Annual Meeting of the congregation will be held virtually on Sunday, February 13, from 11:45-12:30 p.m. Zoom link to join the meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88486341043?pwd=b0pPZjN3b2UwTzN6aDVvdzhQOXRyUT09  Below you’ll find links for the annual report, meeting agenda, and supplementary materials. 2021 Annual Report 2022 Annual Meeting Agenda Proposed 2022 Nativity […]

Informational Meeting Regarding Prospective Property Purchase

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

The Nativity Council invites the Nativity community to an Information Meeting regarding the potential purchase of the 2921 33rd Avenue. property. The meetings will take place in person after each […]

Information Meetings Regarding Prospective Property Purchase

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

The Nativity Council invites the Nativity community to an Information Meeting regarding the potential purchase of the 2921 33rd Avenue. property. The meetings will take place in person after each […]

Congregational Meeting In Person

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

Nativity Council has called an in-person special meeting of the congregation for the weekend of March 5-6, to consider the purchase of an adjoining property, 2921 33rd Avenue. The meeting will be convened after the 5:30 p.m. worship on March 5, then will be recessed and reconvened after each worship hour on Sunday to allow […]

Congregational Meeting In Person

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

Nativity Council has called an in-person special meeting of the congregation for the weekend of March 5-6, to consider the purchase of an adjoining property, 2921 33rd Avenue. The meeting […]

Nativity Constitution Informational Meeting

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

The Nativity Council is hosting a meeting to share proposed changes to the Nativity Constitution based on the ELCA proposed model Constitution in 2020 and 2021. Nativity’s Constitution was last updated in 1991. We will meet Sunday, April 3, at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. You can also join the meeting virtually through the […]

Focus Groups for 2023 Ministry Priorities

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

Nativity looks ahead to 2023 with great excitement. As we prepare for our annual stewardship appeal, we invite you to an advance look at ministry priorities for the coming year. […]

Focus Groups for 2023 Ministry Priorities

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

Nativity looks ahead to 2023 with great excitement. As we prepare for our annual stewardship appeal, we invite you to an advance look at ministry priorities for the coming year. […]

Focus Groups for 2023 Ministry Priorities


Nativity looks ahead to 2023 with great excitement. As we prepare for our annual stewardship appeal, we invite you to an advance look at ministry priorities for the coming year. […]

Congregational Meeting and In-Person Vote

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

Kyle Soderberg, Nativity’s own former Deacon Intern and current Co-Director of Public Ministry, has been interviewed by a call committee and recommended to Nativity Council for consideration of a call […]

Congregational Meeting and In-Person Vote

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

Kyle Soderberg, Nativity’s own former Deacon Intern and current Co-Director of Public Ministry, has been interviewed by a call committee and recommended to Nativity Council for consideration of a call by the Congregation. This is Kyle’s first call as a Minister of Word and Service (Deacon). A Congregational Meeting to vote to call will be […]

Congregational Meeting and In-Person Vote

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

Kyle Soderberg, Nativity’s own former Deacon Intern and current Co-Director of Public Ministry, has been interviewed by a call committee and recommended to Nativity Council for consideration of a call by the Congregation. This is Kyle’s first call as a Minister of Word and Service (Deacon). A Congregational Meeting to vote to call will be […]

Informational Session on Nativity Constitution Updates

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

Nativity Council would like to provide an additional opportunity for the congregation to ask questions and provide feedback prior to our upcoming vote (February 2023) to update Nativity's constitution. An earlier session was held in April of this year. On Sunday, November 13, at 10:00 am, Council members will share proposed changes to the Nativity […]

Congregational Meeting for Budget and Election of Council and Officers

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

A Congregational Meeting will be held December 3-4 following all worship hours to approve the Nativity budget for 2023, and to elect Nativity Council members and officers. We will meet […]

Congregational Meeting for Budget and Election of Council and Officers

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

A Congregational Meeting will be held December 3-4 following all worship hours to approve the Nativity budget for 2023, and to elect Nativity Council members and officers. We will meet […]

Congregational Meeting for Budget and Election of Council and Officers

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

A Congregational Meeting will be held December 3-4 following all worship hours to approve the Nativity budget for 2023, and to elect Nativity Council members and officers. We will meet […]

Annual Meeting

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

This year’s Annual Meeting will be held in person on Saturday, February 11, following the Saturday worship hour. Come and enjoy a meal together at 6:30 pm. We’ll begin the meeting after everyone has been served. In addition to reviewing the previous year’s events, we’ll discuss ministry priorities for 2023, and vote on proposed changes […]