Focus Groups for 2023 Ministry Priorities

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

Nativity looks ahead to 2023 with great excitement. As we prepare for our annual stewardship appeal, we invite you to an advance look at ministry priorities for the coming year. […]

Focus Groups for 2023 Ministry Priorities

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

Nativity looks ahead to 2023 with great excitement. As we prepare for our annual stewardship appeal, we invite you to an advance look at ministry priorities for the coming year. […]

Focus Groups for 2023 Ministry Priorities


Nativity looks ahead to 2023 with great excitement. As we prepare for our annual stewardship appeal, we invite you to an advance look at ministry priorities for the coming year. […]

Congregational Meeting and In-Person Vote

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

Kyle Soderberg, Nativity’s own former Deacon Intern and current Co-Director of Public Ministry, has been interviewed by a call committee and recommended to Nativity Council for consideration of a call […]

Congregational Meeting and In-Person Vote

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

Kyle Soderberg, Nativity’s own former Deacon Intern and current Co-Director of Public Ministry, has been interviewed by a call committee and recommended to Nativity Council for consideration of a call […]

Congregational Meeting and In-Person Vote

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

Kyle Soderberg, Nativity’s own former Deacon Intern and current Co-Director of Public Ministry, has been interviewed by a call committee and recommended to Nativity Council for consideration of a call […]

Informational Session on Nativity Constitution Updates

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

Nativity Council would like to provide an additional opportunity for the congregation to ask questions and provide feedback prior to our upcoming vote (February 2023) to update Nativity's constitution. An […]

Congregational Meeting for Budget and Election of Council and Officers

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

A Congregational Meeting will be held December 3-4 following all worship hours to approve the Nativity budget for 2023, and to elect Nativity Council members and officers. We will meet […]

Congregational Meeting for Budget and Election of Council and Officers

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

A Congregational Meeting will be held December 3-4 following all worship hours to approve the Nativity budget for 2023, and to elect Nativity Council members and officers. We will meet […]

Congregational Meeting for Budget and Election of Council and Officers

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

A Congregational Meeting will be held December 3-4 following all worship hours to approve the Nativity budget for 2023, and to elect Nativity Council members and officers. We will meet […]

Annual Meeting

Nativity Church 3312 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN, United States

This year’s Annual Meeting will be held in person on Saturday, February 11, following the Saturday worship hour. Come and enjoy a meal together at 6:30 pm. We’ll begin the meeting after everyone has been served. In addition to reviewing the previous year’s events, we’ll discuss ministry priorities for 2023, and vote on proposed changes […]