The average American spends more than $700 on Christmas gifts each year. Rethink traditional gift-giving this holiday with ELCA Good Gifts. Give in honor of friends and family members and help support people in need. Hunger Outreach and Global Outreach are jointly organizing this holiday fundraising initiative.
How to Participate:
1. Select an ornament from the Advent Tree inside the front door of the church, and make a donation in the amount on the ornament. Each ornament represents a gift item, such as $30 for a piglet, $30 for a water filter, $40 to send a girl to school, $10 for chicks, $20 for manure, etc. (Make checks out to Nativity with “Good Gifts” in the memo line of the check.)
Take home the ornament you selected as a reminder of your gift. If you choose to make the donation in honor of someone, you can give the ornament to that person as a keepsake.
2. Pick up an ELCA Good Gifts catalog at the welcome desk to see the 50+ gift options.
Questions? Contact Grace Gee