The Global Outreach ministry group is requesting donations of girls’ panties that will be part of sanitary hygiene kits to be sent to girls in both Kenya and Nicaragua.
We’re looking for girls’ underwear, sizes 8-14 (no women’s sizes), brief style (no bikini or boy cut), preferably in darker colors. We hope to collect 500 pairs for the kits. Donations can be brought to the church during worship hours.
There will be a packing event on Monday, Oct. 3, in the Fellowship Hall from 6:00-8:30 pm. All are welcome to join us! Volunteers will perform both sewing and non-sewing tasks for the kits.
Want to learn more about this project or Global Outreach ministries at Nativity? Stop by the table in the Commons before and after worship this weekend. This project is a collaboration between Global Outreach and the Nativity Women in Action.