EVENT POSTPONED!!! The Art for Healing event with Jessi Fraser is postponed on account of illness. We look forward to offering this event in the coming weeks. Look for the new date soon!
Join Nativity Mental Health Connect and Jessi Fraser, an artist and motivational leader. Jessi is certified in art therapy and has certification from Yale University in the Science of Well Being for creative techniques that release life stresses with mindful artistic expression. She has a personal story to share along with the use of art for healing. Come ready to participate! She will provide supplies (acrylics, canvases, brushes, etc.).
For those who join us online, we suggest having available paints or anything you like to use for art (e.g., markers, crayons, colored pencils etc.). We stress that you do not need to be an artist to participate!
Information to Join Online
Topic: NMHC Restorative Practices Series
Time: Jan 18, 2024, 06:30 PM Central Time
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 811 6222 3782
Passcode: 868328