Rising Tension
This year, we use Echo as our storytelling to help us relate to God’s story to discover meaning and develop fresh insights. It is our prayer that you can engage with your family using creative writing, drawing, and conversation.
Each week, students will use an Echo Journal to complete the weekly activities. If you like an Echo Journal at home, please contact Heather.
Find a Candle that you can light, and keep it with your Club 56 gear
Invocation: the act of inviting or welcoming or acknowledging that God is present in our space.
As you light your candle, say this invocation out loud: “I light this candle in the name of God, our Creator; Jesus, our Savior; and the Holy Spirit, our Inspirer. The three in one!”
Opening Question
How do you feel when something is unjust? What can you do to help?
The material we are using is called Echo, so let us echo the last section Review the previous sections with your student (Jesus’ birth, baptism, his followers, the Hope and Healing Jesus can give us, the Miracles of Jesus, Kingdom Ways, Kindom Treasures and Jesus’ Encounters). Most recently we have covered Rising Tension, review this to get ready for this week.
Is there any new insight or questions that you have reflected on?
Today we’ll be doing some creative writing. Read Luke 19:28-40. Reflect on the story and use your creativity to capture what the characters from our story were thinking. Add as much detail as you want! Be sure to share your thoughts with others
- A Pharisee
- A person in the crowd
- A disciple
- The Donkey
You’re likely familiar with these stories, so use these questions in a round table conversation:
When Jesus was at the dinner party:
- Why do you think Jesus was so confrontational with the Pharisees?
- How would you describe Jesus in this scene – say the first thing that comes to your mind.
- What do you think this shows us about God?
When Jesus was entering Jerusalem:
- What do you think it would have been like to be in the crowd?
- When Jesus first saw Jerusalem, he wept. Why do you think that was?
- How would you describe Jesus in this scene – say the first thing that comes to your mind.
- What do you think this shows us about God?
The final scene describes Jesus confronting the merchants and clearing the Temple:
- Why was Jesus so angry?
- How would you describe Jesus in this scene – say the first thing that comes to your mind.
- What do you think this shows us about God?
In your own words, why do you think Jesus was at the center of so much rising tension amung the Pharisees and the religious leaders?
When you pray…
Maybe you’re inspired to write or speak your own, if so, please do so! If you’d rather, you can do an active prayer!
Jesus told the Pharisees that they are careful to clean the outside of the cup, but on the inside they are dirty. Go to the kitchen, and do all the dishes by hand. As you are washing each dish, pray for a member of your family. WARNING: Your actions might surpirze yourself and family, side affects may be additional good acts and prayers.
Thank you for joining us today! If you have a student in Grade 5 or 6, sign them up for Club 56 today! If you have questions about this resource or would like additional information, please contact Heather or Pastor Ben.