Christmas Family Faith Formation – Dec 25
Join us for the 12 Days of Christmas special family devotional!
Worship Together
Share in some faith practices of worship together!
Shine a Light: Today is the day to light all 5 candles on your Advent wreath including the white one because it’s CHRISTMAS DAY! Today we light the candle of Jesus.
Sing Together:
Sing Happy Birthday to Jesus!
Family Devotional
Did you know the 12 Days of Christmas is more than a song? It’s actually 12 actual days from Christmas until Epiphany on January 6th and is called the season of Christmas in the church.
It is our family tradition to have our wisemen from our nativity set follow the star (we use a star ornament from my grandparents) on their journey to the manger each day of the 12 days of Christmas. I like to set them up in cute scenarios (kinda like elf on the shelf) and then we read a blessing together. We’d like to invite you to give this tradition a try. Each day there will be a post with a Bible verse, blessing poem and prayer taken from the Really Woolly Christmas Blessings book. You can find each day’s post on the Nativity Website and Facebook page. You can even have fun setting up your wisemen each day too!
Here is the 1st Day of Christmas Theme: The Blessing of Christmas
Here is the 1st Day of Christmas Bible Verse: “Today your Savior was both in David’s town. He is Christ, the Lord.” LUKE 2:11
Here is the 1st Day of Christmas Blessing Poem:
Christmastime is here at last,
When cheerful smiles are worn, And hope fills up our merry hearts For God’s own Son was born!
Lights to string and songs to sing, We praise the newborn King-His hamble birth would bless the earth With all the love He’d bring!
Here is the 1st Day of Christmas Prayer: “Dear God, Jesus was born to show us Your love–my heart is joyful and thankful.”
So follow along each day and try out this fun tradition!
Here are the theme’s for each day if you’d like to plan our scenarios too:
12/25 – 1st Day of Christmas: Blessing of Christmas
12/26 – 2nd Day of Christmas: Blessing of Baby Jesus
12/27 – 3rd Day of Christmas: Blessing of Family
12/28 – 4th Day of Christmas: Blessing of Winter
12/29 – 5th Day of Christmas: Blessing of Song
12/30 – 6th Day of Christmas: Blessing of Trees
12/31 – 7th Day of Christmas: Blessing of Life
1/1 – 8th Day of Christmas: Blessing of Light
1/2 – 9th Day of Christmas: Blessing of His Name
1/3 – 10th Day of Christmas: Blessing of Friends
1/4 – 11th Day of Christmas: Blessing of Snowflakes
1/5 – 12th Day of Christmas: Blessing of The Star
1/6 – EPIPHANY! – The Wisemen Arrive!