Celebrating Deacon Kyle Soderberg’s Ordination


It’s our privilege to invite everyone to share with us in celebrating the ordination of Kyle Soderberg, Nativity’s Deacon of Outreach and Organizational Development.

Sunday, March 19th, 10:30 a.m. Worship Hour

Performing the Ordination Rites will be Minneapolis Area Synod Bishop of the ELCA, Rev. Ann M. Svennungsen. Bringing the message that day will be Rev. Dr. Steve Newcom. He is a mentor and friend to Kyle, as well as a recent Justice Consultant for Nativity as the Founding Director of the Kaleo Center for Faith, Justice & Social Transformation. We will also enjoy special music from our Director of Music Ministry and the extended musical community at Nativity.

Please also join us for special hospitality before worship for a chance to connect as an extended community. After the service, we invite you to enjoy food and fellowship with a sandwich buffet in the Nativity Commons. We look forward to celebrating Kyle and sharing in this new chapter of his and our collective ministry.

Nativity will offer an ordination-themed worship at all worship hours* that weekend with special hospitality before and after, along with words of thanks from Kyle at each service. All are welcome and encouraged to attend in person or online: https://www.youtube.com/@NativityLutheranChurch/streams.

*Other Worship Hours that Weekend: March 18th 5:30 p.m. & March 19th 9:00 a.m.