Pat Hendricks shares her story
Pat is on staff at Nativity and is one of our Care and Support Outreach Team leaders for our Vital Aging Ministry. For more information: https://www.nativitychurch.org/serve/local/care-and-support-outreach-team/
churchoffice@nativitychurch.org | 612-781-2766
Pat is on staff at Nativity and is one of our Care and Support Outreach Team leaders for our Vital Aging Ministry. For more information: https://www.nativitychurch.org/serve/local/care-and-support-outreach-team/
Grace is one of our Interfaith-Intercultural Outreach Team leaders for our Racial Equity and Justice Ministry. For more information: https://www.nativitychurch.org/serve/local/interfaith-intercultural-outreach-team/
A pandemic is a defining moment in history but let us not be defined by a virus but by how we loved each other during the virus. Pastor Glenn Seefeldt […]
The death of George Floyd was senseless and the world is outraged by this act of violence against a black man. This tragedy is a call for all of us to […]
The Nativity community is deeply grieved by the killing of George Floyd and the actions and inaction of the four, now former, Minneapolis Police Officers that were responsible. God calls […]
Some of the staff have been busy cleaning and organizing around the church. A few were caught on camera. Heather Anderson has cleaned the pew wood, cushions, and scrubbed the […]
History was made today at Nativity Church as 17 people embarked on a virtual Bible study. While many had already been using Zoom, some were new to this way of […]
I woke up this morning to a pleasant feeling. My wife, Janell, rolled out of bed, took the pup out and fed him. All this after a night of cuddling […]
The weekly book and Bible studies are continuing using email. Tuesday Book Study continues with Richard Rohr’s, Universal Christ. If you are not in this book discussion and would like […]
We sold 199 tickets sold for the pancake breakfast. After expenses, our total earned for the youth trips is $1885.60 Great job!! Thank you, everyone, for your leadership and sharing […]