Call Committee Announcement

Blue background with the words call candidate pastor angela lamoore with a headshot of angela

The Call Team has announced Pastor Angela LaMoore as a candidate for call in worship and at the Annual Meeting this weekend, February 8-9. The announcement will be shared via Nativity’s communication channels the week following February 8-9. This announcement will include notice of a Congregational Meeting to Call for March 8-9 after all worship hours. Please find below resources for understanding Nativity’s process leading up to the March 8-9 congregational vote. This includes a full list of opportunities for the congregation to get to know Pastor Angela and her family prior to the March 8-9 congregational vote. If you have questions regarding the call process, please reach out to Donna Steinwand, Call Committee member, at

  • The Elijah-Elisha Model used by Nativity’s Call Committee
  • Pastor Angela LaMoore’s Letter to Nativity
  • Next Steps: Communication, Conversation & Congregational Vote
  • The Call Committee’s full timeline for their process


The Elijah-Elisha Model

At the beginning of the transition process, Pastor Glenn and the transition team (Tim Scheid, Gail Bergsven, Beth Erickson, Denise LaMirande Clark and Donna Steinwand) met to pray, research, and ponder the transition process of Pastor Glenn transitioning from full-time to part-time pastor. It was agreed that the transition should be gentle but intentional. In this model, Pastor Glenn would decrease his responsibilities slowly, evolving from senior lead pastor to co-pastor in a shared leadership model to eventually part-time pastoral care, with very flexible hours.

The initial leadership transfer would transition over 2-3 years. This time frame would allow the community to adjust. Pastor Glenn Seefeldt has served Nativity since 1981 in various roles, serving as Senior Pastor since January 2000. His long tenure is unusual, but it has served Nativity well with trusted leadership, dependable pastoral care, and a strong staff of twenty. Long tenure can also be a challenge. Nativity’s Transition Team has addressed this challenge, reviewing transitions in other churches with long tenures as well as nonprofits and for-profits with long tenures. The team has reviewed and supports the Elijah-Elisha model.

The Elijah-Elisha Model has worked in business and in other large churches with long pastorates. Like Elijah choosing Elisha to succeed him in the biblical narrative, this model uses the trust and credibility of a long tenured, spiritually strong, loved leader to pass the mantle of leadership onto the next leader/pastor.

The team received input from Pastor Craig Pederson, Assistant to the Bishop for the Minneapolis Area Synod, as well as Pastor John Hulden, Assistant to the Bishop for the Minneapolis Area Synod, and Bishop Jen Nagel, Bishop of the Minneapolis Area Synod, about the Elijah-Elisha Model. They were impressed with its thoughtfulness. Pastor John Hulden commented that Nativity is unique because long-term pastorates such as this are very rare. Nativity will be building a bike while riding it. Congregations using a similar model of transition were consulted.

The goal of the call team (Donna Steinwand, Chair, Keith Setterholm, Laura Oksnevad, Michelle Gustafson DeLaune, Mark Blaede, Gail Bergsven, and Pastor Glenn Seefeldt) would be to identify a clergy person with the essential competencies who is very comfortable with the Elijah-Elisha model. This model requires a future pastor who is willing to be curious about developing the working model with Pastor Glenn, council, and other staff.

INTRODUCTIONS: Pastor Angela LaMoore’s Letter to Nativity

Grace and peace to you, Nativity Lutheran Church!

My name is Pastor Angela LaMoore. You may have seen me around…. My family and I have been attending Nativity since the fall of 2022, I sing in the choir, and I have been preaching on and off since Pastor Ben’s departure a year and a half ago. Our family includes me, my husband Morgan, and our two sons: Joshua, who just turned six, and Benjamin, who is two. We currently live down in Savage, Minnesota, with our two cats, Buffy and Willow. We’ve loved our time at Nativity as members and are excited for the opportunity for me to possibly join the staff here!

A little more about me: I was raised in the ELCA, growing up in Burnsville, Minnesota, but God’s call to the ordained ministry took some time. My original plan had been to study biology and eventually enter into the realm of cancer research. I received my BS in biology from MIT in 2008 and later enrolled in a PhD program at the University of Washington, Seattle.

I was a few years into my program when God began to reveal a different plan. I left UW with my MS in biology and enrolled in seminary in Seattle, not yet knowing exactly where God was leading. The short answer was that God was leading me home, in more ways than one. In 2013, I moved home to Burnsville to help care for my aging grandfather. In 2014, I transferred to Luther Seminary in St. Paul. That same year, I also met the wonderfully nerdy electrical engineer I would marry two years later.

During my time at Luther Seminary, God (slowly and with infinite wisdom) unveiled the path before me, which eventually led to my seeking an ordained pastoral call in the ELCA. I graduated from Luther in December 2017 and was ordained the following summer. My first call was to South Santiago Lutheran in Clear Lake, Minnesota. After leading the church through a decent amount of transition and the COVID-19 pandemic, I went on leave from call at the beginning of 2021, in order to focus on my family and act as a stay-at-home mom. In the spring and summer of 2022, I took a break from my break and served as term pastor at Trinity Lutheran in Princeton, Minnesota, before Benjamin was born that fall.

These days, I am back home full-time with my boys. As you might imagine, our days are typically filled with pirate battles and snacks, dinosaurs and Star Wars. I will always cherish this time with my kids, but with Joshua now in kindergarten, I am also looking forward to new adventures in ministry! I look forward to talking to you all and answering whatever questions you might have in the next few weeks!

Love in Christ,
Pastor Angela


NEXT STEPS: Communication, Conversation & Vote

February 8-9: The Call Team announces Pastor Angela LaMoore as a candidate for call in worship and at the Annual Meeting and via Nativity’s communication channels that following week. The announcement will include notice of Congregational Meeting to Call for March 8-9 after all worship hours.

February 15-16: Pastor Angela LaMoore will preach, and representatives of the Call Team will be available to address question or concerns regarding the Elijah-Elisha Model, the call process, and Pastor Angela’s qualifications.

February 22-23: Pastor Angela and family will be available for a meet and greet. Pastor Angela will be available before and after all worship hours. Her spouse Morgan and the boys will join her when it works for the family.

March 1-2: Representatives of the Call Team will be available to address questions or concerns regarding the Elijah-Elisha Model, the call process, and Angela’s qualifications.

March 8-9: The Special Meeting of the Congregation to Call Angela LaMoore as co-pastor will take place in person after each worship hour. Vote will be by written ballot. Nativity’s Constitution calls for a two-thirds majority. Results of the vote will be announced via email and the church website on Sunday, March 9.


NATIVITY’S CALL PROCESS: The Call Committee Timeline

The following is the process the Nativity Call Committee followed over the past several months, which led to our recommendation that Angela LaMoore be called to the position of Pastor at Nativity Lutheran Church.

  • In 2024, Pastor Glenn communicated the Elijah-Elisha Model of shared leadership and succession to the congregation. In this plan, Pastor Glenn remains in a full-time role, which includes ongoing mentorship of a new co-lead pastor, enabling a smooth transition and the transfer of wisdom, experience, and institutional knowledge. The entire call process was conducted with this model in mind.
  • The Call Committee was formed in July of 2024 and met one to three times each month from August 2024 through February 2025, in addition to discussions and work completed via email between meetings.
  • In August, we familiarized ourselves with the Elijah-Elisha model and the basics of the call process, laying the groundwork for the task ahead.
  • In September, we met with Pastor John Hulden, Assistant to the Bishop of the Minneapolis Area Synod. He helped clarify the process and responded to our questions.
  • We reviewed synod documents explaining the call process and roles of the committee.
  • We read in detail the 10-page Ministry Site Profile, a detailed description of who we are as a congregation along with our hopes and dreams for the future.
  • We communicated to the congregation the Call Committee members and requested names of possible candidates from the congregation. Pastor Angela’s name was brought forward numerous times, alongside a small number of additional suggestions.
  • All suggestions were carefully considered as the committee determined which were viable options to pursue further.
  • In October, we communicated further with John Hulden at the synod to discuss the vetting of candidates, including those suggested by the congregation.
  • It was the strong recommendation of synod leadership to consider any internal candidates before considering any candidate from outside our congregation. The committee agreed that this would be the most fair and ethical process for all parties involved.
  • Because of her role as a member of Nativity and her ongoing work filling in during this transition period, Pastor Angela was considered an internal candidate. So, our next step was to thoroughly vet Pastor Angela as a candidate and make a decision whether or not to recommend a call.
  • In October and November, we developed a set of interview questions based on questions provided by the synod as well as questions specifically tailored to our congregation and the Elijah-Elisha Model.
  • In December, we met with Pastor Sara Jensen, who provided training on Implicit Bias, helping us to carefully consider the wording of interview questions and to guard against unintended biases in the interview process.
  • Due to holiday schedules, we scheduled interviews to begin in January 2025.
  • In January, the entire Call Committee interviewed Pastor Angela through two in-person interviews, conducted over the span of two weeks. The total time interviewing Pastor Angela was between four and five hours. We took time after each interview to discuss and prayerfully consider the call to Pastor Angela.
  • Integral to this process has been our support for and recommendation of the Elijah-Elisha Model of shared leadership and succession, for which Pastor Angela continued to be a fantastic fit, a fact which the interviews only further solidified in the opinion of the committee.
  • As we are confident, after prayerful discernment, in our recommendation of Pastor Angela and the Elijah-Elisha model, no external candidates were interviewed for this call.
  • The Call Committee has made a unanimous decision to recommend Pastor Angela for this call.


For questions regarding Nativity’s Call Team or process, please reach out to Donna Steinwand,