Building Belonging: Nativity’s 3-Year Capital Campaign


For 67 years, Nativity has been a sanctuary where people are known and loved for who they are. Every week, new visitors of all ages experience God’s love and our community’s welcome as they walk through the church doors.

A Call to Care for Our Church

As Nativity grows, we’re called to care for our church, acting as good stewards of the building we share and ensuring a sense of belonging to all who enter Nativity. Together we answer our community’s evolving needs with a plan that will enhance our hospitality, accessibility, safety, and sustainability.

An Invitation to Reflect

The weekend of N you’ll find a campaign packet prepared for you on the tables in the Commons. (If you’ve already received campaign materials, you won’t need to pick up an additional packet.) In it, you’ll find more information about the Building Belonging Capital Campaign plan, along with helpful information for discerning your contribution and creative ways for making your best gift.

We have been blessed. We want to be a blessing far into the future. Together, let’s prayerfully consider the love that we’ve experienced here, the love that we can give to others far into the future, to create a sense of belonging for all people.