Global Outreach Ministry at Nativity is collecting gently used children’s story books for children in Kenya. Nativity is helping to create library space at Kapcheptoror Village in western Kenya, where about 400 children attend school.
If you have children’s books to spare, please donate them and bring to Nativity on or before May 21. Place in the bin marked “Books for Kenya” in the Commons.
FAQ from the Global Outreach Team:
Are English language books acceptable?
Yes. English is taught in Kenya’s schools as a second language and is one of two official languages in Kenya. English story books are being sought to help children learn English.
How will the books get to Kenya and the school?
Nativity members Nancy and Steve Laible and others will travel to Kenya in August and deliver the books to the newly constructed village library space.
Is there a goal for the number of books being collected?
Yes. We hope to collect up to 240 pounds of books that will travel in suitcases with travelers to Kenya.
Thank you for making a difference for the children of Kapcheptoror Village!