October is Global Outreach Month. This weekend, October 15 and 16 after all worship hours, we’re organizing a letter writing campaign for Bread for the World. Please join us in the Commons after worship to write a letter to your Senator or Representative advocating for continued nutrition programs at home and worldwide. Sample letters will be available as well as addresses of legislators.
We know how to dramatically reduce severe hunger. Because of COVID-19 related hardship and the relief bills passed to address it, our country has gathered new evidence about how well domestic safety net programs work. Recent research has confirmed the most effective nutrition interventions. We also know what it would take: with roughly $1 for every $321 in the global gross domestic product, we could end hunger by 2030.
We need the political will to tackle hunger’s causes. Or more accurately, we need the human will to create the political will. We need to convince our nation’s leaders, and the world’s leaders, to put in place the policies and programs that have been proven to work to address hunger. Throughout this year, Bread for the World members have done everything in our power–in prayer, in action, and in giving–to do just that. Join us in taking action and making a difference!