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What is happening in Confirmation?
Because the in-person advocacy experiences have been put on hold and service trips are hopefully being rescheduled. Kelly has created a reflection series that will be available each Sunday on our Nativity Confirmation website page. Please take some time to do this reflection if you can. It can be done with your small group (if you can find a time to meet online together) or done individually.
Take time to write your answers to the questions in each week’s reflection and send them to Kelly@nativitychurch.org Be sure to put your name and Small Group Leader on your submission. (Completing these reflections will help you earn credit for missed Service & Learning credits, regular and Social Justice).
Connect with your small group and leader to check in on how you are doing. You can use ZOOM to connect and see each other! (Kelly can send you a group invite to the ZOOM Room when you have a date and time set)
If you find the time, take a look at the Act of Kindness Service Activities from Home, from the various ideas Kelly posts, and perhaps complete one or two! (and let Kelly know if you do so you can get credit!). Kelly’s one request would be for confirmation youth to do the Elder Letter Writing, we have a long list of names who could use some cheer. We are also hosting a Confirmation Online Viewing & Conversation of Taylor Swift’s Miss Americana Documentary (this fits with our reflections that have been posted). This is also a time for everyone to come together (sort of). Please note that you are welcome to do more than one of the various acts of kindness @ home service activities that are being suggested on our Facebook Group Page and Website page, however, please do not feel the pressure to do so.
For the week of April 5.
Internal Weather Support
Your feelings are like the weather. You can feel like there’s a sunny day inside (e.g., happy, joy), like it’s gloomy and grey (e.g., bored, down), rainy (e.g., sad, depressed), stormy (e.g., irritated, angry, etc.), or anything else you can think of. Write down your internal weather report. Define the weather and the emotions you are feeling however you want.
We would like you to try and check-in with your small group and leader. If your small group leader has not reached out, please try and connect with them. When you find a date and time to meet online as a small group, contact Kelly and she will give you an invite to use ZOOM to check-in through a video chat with each other!
Here is the song for this week. This song and the video are basically saying that all people are beautiful, no matter how different they may be. Regardless of your race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other beliefs/differences that you may have, are all what make you beautiful (inside and out). The song encourages people to believe in themselves and disregard any hurtful things that people may say.
Consider the following questions below once you are done listening to the song.
“Beautiful” Christina Aguilera
What does the message that is being sung mean to you?
The lyrics say “You are beautiful no matter what they say. Words can’t bring you down.” What does that mean to you?
Be a Caring Superhero by writing letters or drawing pictures for residents who are in quarantine at a local Elder Care Facility and letters for elders from Nativity as well. Be a Caring Superhero and send some cheer!
Contact our Minister of Social Justice & Advocacy- Kelly Sherman-Conroy kelly@nativitychurch.org and let her know you would like to help. She will connect you with a name(s) of a person(s) you will write to for 4 weeks.
You have two choices:
- Receiving a packet in the mail of stamped envelopes with instructions how to return your message of love and caring.
- Scanning and emailing your drawings and letters to be emailed to the facility to hand out. Instructions will be included.
Let Kelly know how many names you would like to have to write to. We have a lot of people that can use some cheer and will be adding more names.
Kelly will send you the link to the room where we will be able to watch the Documentary together and talk about what we are seeing and how this affects us individually and how we see the world around us.
Here is the trailer: