- From 2011 to 2020, 10,00 people will turn 65 every day
- By 2020, people over 65 will comprise 20% of the US population
- According to current statistics, life expectancy of males in Minnesota ranks 1st in the US. 79 years of age. Life expectancy of females in Minnesota ranks 4th in the nation, 83 years of age.
- Nativity members over 65 are 25% of the congregation.
The above statistics illustrate a shift in the US population never before seen in our history. Sociologists, economists, and health care gurus predict overwhelming challenges today and into the future—challenges to health care, governmental programs, housing, and faith communities. Nativity Church is aware of these issues and plans to address many of them in the coming months.
While the challenges facing our society seem overwhelming, a cultural trend is emerging that puts a positive spin on the “graying of America.” Today’s elders are crafting new attitudes toward aging. Some call this new attitude, vital aging. “Vital aging is a lifelong process of achieving individual potential and engaging with others to meet the needs of all.” (Vital Aging Network)
“Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been.”—Mark Twain.
In order to achieve individual potential, today’s elders engage in personal reflection, conversation, and learning opportunities in order to find meaning and balance. This leads a discovery of ways to enrich their own lives through helping others.
Nativity Church has a Vital Aging Initiative to encourage and affirm elders and those who are approaching elderhood. Through presentations, conversation groups, and seminars; Nativity Church invites all people to participate. Recent offerings include: “Elderhood, a New Life Stage,” “Managing Change,” “Facing Loss with Courage,” and “Downsizing/De-cluttering your Life.” Future topics: “Planning for Retirement,” “Advanced Care Directives,” “What Happens to my Faith as I Age,” “What Happens to my Body and my Brain as I Age?”
The aging process can be a time when rich experiences and new insights outweigh and inform the challenges of coping with change. And, with 10,000 people per day turning 65, one is certainly not alone!
Join us June 13th, 2018 for one of our Wednesday evening events: How did I get to be 60 (or 70 or 80), when I’m 35 inside?