Advent Family Faith Formation – Dec 17


Advent Family Faith Formation – Dec 17

Join us each week this Advent season as a family to celebrate God wonderful promises for us!

Pick from watching our Welcome Videos, Worship Together, Reading the Bible, Talk About It, Family Activities, Pray Together and Bless Each Other – or do them all!

Welcome Video

Enjoy a holly jolly blast from the past with Ms Leah!

Worship Together

Share in some faith practices of worship together!

Shine a Light: Light 3 candles on your Advent Wreath for hope, say “be a light of hope, peace, and joy.” 

Sing or Say Together: Advent Song
Advent is a time to wait, not quite time to celebrate
Light the candles one by one, till the Advent time is done
Help us in our work and play, to prepare for Christmas Day

  • Make an Offering: How can you share an offering this week? The Faith Formation classes are donating to ELCA Good Gifts. Anyone can give at to help someone in need receive clean water, a fruit tree, a farm animal, school supplies, etc.

Read the Bible Together

Read this week’s God’s Great Story in the children’s Bible for your child’s age.

Spark Story Bible – Mary Visits Elizabeth pg 192
Luke 1:39-48

Talk About It!

Have fun asking question for all your family members!

Who/what are some people/things that make you feel joy? Have you missed seeing friends and family during the pandemic? Do you have friends or relatives who live far away from you? How do you feel when you know you are going to see friends or family whom you haven’t seen in a while? Mary and Elizabeth hadn’t seen each other for a long time, and they were filled with joy when Mary arrived at Elizabeth’s house. Even the baby in Elizabeth’s belly jumped for joy!

Dig Deeper: Sometimes people say, “Choose joy.” What does this mean? Why is this important? In the same way that we can choose to have an attitude of gratitude, we can choose to have an attitude of joy. This doesn’t mean that you will be happy all the time, but it means you will try to be positive, grateful, and kind. You will surround yourself with people you love and trust. Maybe you will share your joy with others, too!

Family Activity Choices

Pick activities to do together with supplies you have around your house!

Activity 1: Confetti Balloon Nothing says joy like a balloon filled with confetti! Cut or tear small pieces of tissue paper and place them gently into a balloon. Inflate and tie off the balloon. If the tissue paper pools, rub the balloon on a blanket to create static electricity, and the tissue paper will stick to the sides.

Activity 2: Balloon Games See how long your family can keep the balloon up in the air. Need a challenge? Try using just your feet, lying on your backs, or playing balloon volleyball.

Activity 3: Pop the Balloon When you’re ready, you can pop the balloon and watch the confetti fly. Clean it up together!

Pray Together

“Dear God, thank you for the electric love and joy-filled laughter we feel when we are with people we love. You are always with us. Amen.”

Bless Each Other

At the end of your time, give each other a special blessing to remember one of God’s promises.

Lighting your Advent Wreath is your blessing!