Nativity’s Transition: Discernment for Our Future

September 15, 2024: Call Committee Update

Greetings from the Nativity Call Committee! As a reminder, Nativity is in the process of calling a pastor to join Pastor Glenn as a co-leader of our congregation, with an eye to the future where Glenn can retire to a reduced role. The Call Committee is charged with vetting candidates and eventually submitting a final candidate for consideration by the Church Council and congregational membership.

I’m here to tell you that the Nativity Call Committee is open and ready for business!

The members are Gail Bergsven, Mark Blaede, Michelle Gustafson DeLaune, Laura Oksnevad, Pastor Glenn Seefeldt, Keith Setterholm and Donna Steinwand.

We’ve met with our representative from the Minneapolis Synod’s Bishop’s staff, Pastor John Hulden. He clarified the call process for us and will continue to guide us throughout our work as we select a new pastor. Pastor Hulden said our charge is to listen to God, listen to the worshiping community, and listen to the community.

We’ve submitted the Ministry Site Profile to the synod, which helps us describe our ministry and congregation, and perhaps most importantly, our plans, hopes and dreams for the future. It helps candidates know who we are, what we’re all about and where we’re going.

Our next step is to finalize some information, including the names of potential candidates brought forward to us from members of the congregation. If you, as a member of this congregation, have someone you would like to recommend for this pastor position, please contact Donna Steinwand at 651-233-6184 (call or text). This information is due by the end of September.

We promise to share as much information as we can, understanding that some of our work is confidential and won’t be shared.

We ask the congregation of Nativity to support us in prayer, asking for guidance and discernment in this process.

Thank you, Nativity!
The Call Team: Gail Bergsven, Mark Blaede, Michelle Gustafson DeLaune, Laura Oksnevad, Pastor Glenn Seefeldt, Keith Setterholm, and Donna Steinwand.

June 23, 2024: Call Committee to Be Formed

Dear Nativity Community,

Following the departure of Pastor Ben last July, a Transition Team was formed by the Nativity Council to help lead Nativity through the early process of discernment and to provide direction for Nativity’s future and our search for new leadership. The Transition Team was led by Tim Scheid and consisted of Gail Bergsven, Beth Erickson, Donna Steinwand, Denise Lamirande Clark, and Glenn Seefeldt.

On June 18, the Nativity Council formally approved the team’s Ministry Site Profile of Nativity and submitted it to the Minneapolis Area Synod. The Transition team studied the congregation through extensive listening sessions, a survey, and comprehensive analysis. This work, undertaken over 10 months, culminated in the Ministry Site Profile. On behalf of the congregation, I want to thank the team for their dedicated efforts, the devotion of many hours to this work, and the deep care with which they undertook this task.

Also on June 18, having approved the Ministry Site Profile, the Nativity Council approved the creation of a Call Committee to lead us in the search for an additional pastor. Both Pastor Glenn and the council, with the tacit support from the congregation as understood through the Ministry Site Profile effort, have chosen a model of transition known as the Elijah-Elisha model. Like Elijah choosing Elisha to succeed him in the biblical narrative, this model uses the trust and credibility of a long tenured, spiritually strong, loved leader to pass the mantle of leadership onto the next leader/pastor. We believe the model is well-suited for a smooth transition for both Pastor Glenn and an incoming pastor to best support Nativity, ensuring stability and continuity for our congregation and our current/future ministries. It is not entirely new: a similar approach has been used for leadership transitions in nonprofit organizations and other churches.

The call committee will be chaired by Donna Steinwand, a past President and current Secretary of the Council. Members will be appointed in the coming weeks. The call committee will seek a clergy person that will take on leadership over a mutually determined period of time. The Elijah-Elisha model is essentially a model of shared leadership. Roles would, right from the beginning, be distributed and/or shared between both pastors. Nativity’s Transition Team consulted with other pastors and churches familiar with this model and also with the Bishop’s staff of the Minneapolis Area Synod.

We will update the congregation when the Call Committee has been formed. The Call Committee process is a deliberate one and will likely extend into the new year. We will keep you informed on their process. Please feel free to contact me, Council Vice President Karen Volker, Call Committee Chair Donna Steinwand, Transition Team Chair Tim Scheid, or any other Council member with your questions or comments.

Thank You,
Keith Setterholm, President of Nativity Council

February 1, 2024: Listening Sessions

Nativity’s Transition Team will host “Listening Sessions” throughout the month of February to discuss priorities you consider important for the future of Nativity along with what type of leadership will be needed to help move Nativity forward in ministry. We invite everyone in the congregation to share their thoughts in one of the scheduled sessions and/or through the online survey. (The survey ran through February 21 and is now closed.)

  • February 3, 6:30 pm following Saturday worship
  • February 4, following both AM worship hours
  • February 10, 6:30 pm (during the Annual Meeting)
  • February 11, following both AM worship hours

Additional sessions will coincide with scheduled book groups and confirmation:

  • February 7, during Wednesday AM Bible Study (Contact
  • February 7, during the Student Action Leadership Team session (Contact
  • February 8, during the Thursday AM Book Study (Contact Jules Bonde at
  • February 10, during the Saturday at Nine Book Group via Zoom (Contact Jerry Hoffman at
  • February 13, during the Tuesday AM Social Justice Book Club via Zoom (Contact Paula Biessener at
  • February 21, during Confirmation (Contact

We look forward to hearing from the Nativity community. All are welcome to join the in-person sessions and/or submit survey feedback. Questions? Contact Tim Scheid at

January 4, 2024: Transition Team

With Pastor Ben’s departure this summer, a Transition Team was authorized by Nativity Council and was formed to help lead Nativity through the early process of discernment. The Transition Team, consisting of Gail Bergsven, Beth Erickson, Donna Steinwand, Tim Scheid, Denise Lamirande Clark, and Glenn Seefeldt, is actively working on completing the Ministry Site Profile and is planning listening sessions with the congregation in the first quarter of 2024. After listening to the congregation, the team will complete the Ministry Site Profile and submit it to the Minneapolis Area Synod Bishop for review and conversation. This phase determines what is needed for Nativity to move forward in vital mission. 

August 11, 2023: Transition Process Ahead

Dear Siblings in Christ,

In this weekend’s message, I reflected on the wisdom of Ecclesiastes reminding us that change is inherent to the many seasons of life. God promises to be with us in the midst of change, providing a rhythm to cope and wisdom for the journey—wisdom gathered via community.

Nativity is in a season of change as we adjust to Pastor Ben’s departure and think about our future together. Calling another pastor will be a significant part of the discernment process, a process that all of you will be invited to be a part of.

As we begin our process to call another pastor, the author of Ecclesiastes provides good counsel.

God is in the midst, providing an energy and rhythm to discern God’s wisdom.
The path forward is not linear, but organic. Be flexible and listen, listen, listen. In listening, we can discern the wisdom of God.
Be patient. Resist the temptation to move too quickly.
Trust the process. God will provide.

As we look ahead in faith, I propose the following process over the next year for Nativity’s transition.

Phase 1: Taking Care of Business

The Ministry of Nativity will continue, and current staff will fill in for areas Pastor Ben covered. When needed, we will employ part-time help.

Confirmation was one of Pastor Ben’s key areas. A team approach involving myself, Deacon Kyle Soderberg, Dr. Kelly Sherman-Conroy, and Renee Hoffman will serve confirmation ministry. Our 10th grade confirmation will begin in September as usual. The 7th, 8th and 9th grade confirmation will begin in November on their normal schedule.

Worship and preaching were also among Pastor Ben’s responsibilities. We will have a variety of speakers over the next months, offering diversity of presence and thought.

Phase 2: Transition Team

Nativity Council authorized the formation of a transition team at its June 2023 meeting. The team began meeting this week. Their work will focus on completion of the Ministry Site Profile. This profile involves a survey and study of the congregation. Completion of the profile involves lots of listening to the community and staff.

Upon completion, the profile will be submitted to the Minneapolis Area Bishop for review and conversation. This phase determines what is needed for Nativity to move forward in its vital mission.

Phase 3: Recruitment, Interview, and Call

In this phase, Nativity Council will appoint a call committee. Typically, two or three people from the transition team are part of the call committee along with additional people from the Council and congregation. The call committee meets with Synod staff to understand the process better and learn how candidates are selected and recommended.

The call team will interview candidates and then recommend a name to Nativity Council for recommendation to the congregation. When this occurs, there will be opportunities for the congregation to meet the candidate for call, after which a special meeting of the congregation will be held for the purpose of voting on the candidate to serve as pastor.

The outline here is what our community might expect over the next year or so. Is God in the midst? Yes, indeed, and we are following a process that will invite spiritual wisdom as we move into the future, trusting that God is leading us and God’s love supporting us.

To hear more about the transition as well as wisdom for the journey ahead, I invite you to listen to this weekend’s message.

In Faith,

Pastor Glenn Seefeldt

Image reading Nativity Lutheran Church Transition Process