We’re grateful for the gift of celebrating Christmas in community and for the many volunteers who gave their time and efforts this season.
Sanctuary Decoration:
Nancy Karkula
Charla Cary
Bill Karkula
Beth Schuman
Tom Peel
Evergreens and Birch Trees:
Phil Hoversten, Mark Salisbury, Pete Bonde, Foster Cole, Al Swenson and Tom Archambault, Ben Garrett
Commons Decorations:
Jan Schieffer
Carla and Davin Peterson
Outside Planters:
Ann Thureen
Donna Steinwand
We also want to thank the dozens of volunteers who helped provide hospitality by ushering during worship, serving communion, clearing snow, bringing and serving refreshments, and assisting with set-up and clean-up. We appreciate your welcoming gifts and how they made such a difference to many this Christmas.