Dear Nativity Community,
I’m pleased to share that Dr. Kelly Sherman-Conroy has stepped into a new role at Nativity: Director of Public Ministry.
Kelly joined the Nativity staff in 2015. She previously held the position of Minister of Social Justice & Advocacy for Children, Youth and Family Ministry and has more recently served as Co-Director of Public Ministry with Kyle Soderberg, who is seeking ordination as Deacon at Nativity. Kelly began her work as Director on October 1, 2022.
Nativity’s Department of Public Ministry is an integration of its longstanding outreach initiatives and ministries of Social Justice and Advocacy. It supports our congregation’s seven outreach areas, including volunteer-led initiatives and community partnerships.
As Director of Public Ministry, Kelly will grow our relationships with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, both its churchwide office and synodical offices. Additionally, she will develop educational materials, lead learning opportunities, and organize justice and advocacy initiatives. She will also grow our relationship with church neighbors and explore collaborations with area nonprofits and social service agencies relevant to Nativity’s mission.
“Dr. Kelly brings key skills to this work, along with theological education, knowledge, and depth. She also brings lived experiences with systems of oppression, a background in various forms of community ministry, and a hope for the possibility of transformation—all with a deep love for Nativity. Kelly continues to demonstrate an ability to provide impactful leadership in the areas of integrating justice, service, and advocacy commitments into the communal life of the church, deepening its discipleship, and improving the congregation’s capacity for public ministry. She is the right person to be leading this department and partnering with others to lead justice and advocacy initiatives at Nativity.”
– Rev. Dr. Steven Newcom, Consultant for Nativity & Founding Director of the Kaleo Center for Faith, Justice & Social Transformation
From its inception in 1957, Nativity has been active in the community and has lived a rich history of doing God’s work in the world. I’m grateful for this congregation’s vision for service and for its generosity of spirit over the years. As we look to the future, I’m excited for the opportunities to come.
We welcome Kelly into her new role at Nativity and look forward to the gifts of her leadership.
In Faith,
Pastor Glenn Seefeldt