Kids Pre-Birth Through Age 3

Pray & Play Toddler Room!!

Kids ages 0-3 are invited to join us with a caregiver for Circle Time in the Faith Formation Age 0-K Class, then go across the hall to the Toddler Room for activity stations for you and your child to explore craft, music & games with Worship live on screen. 

Nativity’s Kid Zone

Located in the Commons area close to the sanctuary, the Kid Zone is a place for toddlers and kids to play while supervised by their parents.

Faith Formation “Beginners” (Ages 0-2)

There is no better time to start teaching children about Jesus than the toddler years. Joining our Faith Formation 3-K Class as a “beginner” along with a parent/caregiver,  helps to prepare your toddler for a more structured environment and they have fun learning about Jesus!

Please Register below to join in the fun! 

If you have questions contact Renee Hoffman

Musikgarten at Nativity is a musical experience designed to bring the joy of music to children ages 0-5 and their parent/caregiver. Children are naturally drawn to music, and music touches the whole child, supporting social, physical, emotional, and intellectual development. Classes are offered on Wednesday and Saturday mornings.

Winter 2025 Classes will start on Wednesday, January 29. Cost is $100. To register, please contact Leah Reddy .

Faith at Home

The Summer Brochure Is Here!

Ready for summer yet? Check out our Youth and Family Ministry Summer Brochure available in the Commons. You’ll find information about our Summer Stretch and Kids Create programs as well […]

Celebrating a Great Trunk-or-Treat Event!

Last Saturday afternoon, Nativity hosted its annual Trunk or Treat event in our West Parking Lot. We were blessed with beautiful weather and sweet scenes of family, friends, and neighborhood […]

Faith Formation Registration 2024-2025
Ages 0-3 are welcome to participate in class with a caregiver. Once a 3yo+ is potty trained and comfortable with a classroom setting, they are welcome to attend on their own. The Pray & Play Toddler Room is also available for ages 0-5 with a caregiver for lesson stations to do together.
Additional Student Information
Ex: My family prefers outdoor classes; we plan to do a mix of online/in-person classes
$15/student, $30 maximum per family with students in preschool – Grade 6. Support your Youth Ministries. It takes a village to help raise a child. It also takes supplies, training for leaders, and special events for the year. To that end, we suggest a payment of $15 (not to exceed $30 per family). Payments can be made online OR checks can be made payable to Nativity Lutheran Church.
Please read the below description on how and why pictures may be used.
Permission For Pictures Nativity uses photography and videography to promote and celebrate children's and youth events and programming. Worship services and special events are Live-Streamed. We will not name your child or children featured in promotional communications unless we have your express permission. If you are concerned about images of your child participating in Nativity activities appearing in Nativity press and web publications, please contact your child’s program coordinator.
Communication with Families Faith Formation announcements, photos and reminders will appear in a group email. You will also find special events on our Nativity website and social media pages.