Congregational Meeting March 5-6


Nativity Council has called an in-person special meeting of the congregation for the weekend of March 5-6, to consider the purchase of an adjoining property, 2921 33rd Avenue. The meeting will be convened after the 5:30 p.m. worship on March 5, then will be recessed and reconvened after each worship hour on Sunday to allow the maximum number of people to participate.

Resolution to Purchase:
Whereas 2921 33rd Avenue property has become available for purchase; and
Whereas the property was identified by Nativity Council as a property to purchase if it became available; and
Whereas Nativity has Right of First Refusal for the property; and
Whereas Nativity Council at its February 15, 2022 meeting recommended the purchase of the 2921 33rd Avenue property; and
Whereas Pastor Glenn, Donna Steinwand, and Beth Schuman have approved a purchase agreement for $340,000 cash, as is, pending congregational approval:

Be it therefore resolved that Nativity Lutheran Church purchase 2921 33rd Avenue property; and
Be it Finally Resolved that Nativity Council Treasurer and Nativity Business Administrator be authorized to purchase the property in the way most financially prudent for Nativity.

Background Information:
In the late 1980’s Nativity Council identified properties adjacent to Nativity to purchase if they should ever become available. Six were identified and four were considered essential. Nativity has purchased three of the four essential properties, 2921 33rd Avenue is the last of the four. The other properties identified are 2913 33rd Avenue and 2917 33rd Avenue. These properties would become more essential if and when 2921 33rd Avenue were purchased because these properties adjoin.

What might the 2921 33rd Avenue property be used for?
In the short term, the need is for additional green space/playground area for the Nativity Child and Family Center and for affordable housing. Both could be done soon after purchase. A longer term vision includes future parking expansion to address main level access needs for additional handicap parking, disability access, parking for families with small children, and parking for older adults.

How might the property be financed?
We are considering three options: 1. Self-financing, borrowing from our liquid assets and then paying ourselves back with interest; 2. Expending liquid assets to purchase and not pay ourselves back; or 3. Securing a mortgage. Currently, Nativity has a small mortgage on 3331 Belden Drive with a balance of $82,000.

We look forward to the opportunity to discuss the issue on March 5-6, and we encourage all who can join us to attend.

Thank you,

Glenn Seefeldt