

We are so glad to celebrate with you!

The last weekend of September we baptized 4 new members into the body of Christ!

In Holy Baptism we are adopted by God and become a part of God’s family, the church. God promises that we will receive the Holy Spirit, become united with God’s church, and grow in faith and love. As a community of faith, we promise to stand with these families in faith support them with prayer and allow them to see Christ in us.  We are also committed to sharing our resources in order to provide opportunities for worship, spiritual growth, and community. With the help of God, we will stand with each other in faith and share our resources.

All newly baptized and families are held in prayers.

Pictured: Baby Aidan with big sister Paige, and mom Sarah

Baby Emily with big brother Aiden, mom Theresa, dad Chad, and Pastor Glenn

Not Pictured: Autumn and Lily, mom Sara, and dad Donovan.