Spring Family Faith Formation – May 2


Spring Family Faith Formation – May 2

Join us each week as a family to celebrate the new life of spring with stories of new life Jesus brings!

Pick from watching our Welcome Videos, Worship Together, Reading the Bible, Talk About It, Family Activities, Pray Together and Bless Each Other – or do them all!

Welcome Videos

Start by picking a Welcome Video from Miss Leah for Grades 1-4
or Miss Renee for littles-Kindergartners or watch both!

Worship Together

Share in some faith practices of worship together!

Shine a Light: Light a candle or find a flashlight. Take turns saying, “Jesus shows the way.”

Sing Together:

Littles: There’s a Sun Coming Up

Grades 1-4: This Little Light of Mine 

Make an Offering: How can you be an offering this week? 

Read the Bible Together

Read this week’s God’s Great Story in the children’s Bible for you child’s age.

Spark Story Bible – Paul’s Letters pg 426
Bible – Acts 15:6-9 and I Corinthians 13:4-7

Talk About It!

Have fun asking question for all your family members!

Paul, Barnabas, and Peter were three people who helped to bring the message of God’s grace and Jesus’ love and to everyone. They met to talk about both difficult and wonderful things, just like we’re doing right now. They traveled to new places to talk to new people. What are some places you have visited? What are some places you would like to visit? What would you like people to know about Jesus? In addition to traveling, Paul wrote A LOT of letters to people in faraway places. Do you like to get letters or cards in the mail?

Dig Deeper: Today’s readings are about our hearts and about love. What did you think about Paul’s description of love? Did you understand it all? Do you have somebody to help you understand? What does love mean to you?

Family Activity Choices

Pick activities to do together! Supplies are provided in our Monthly At-Home Kits you picked up at our drive thru events or ask to have delivered to your home. 

Activity 1: “God knows our hearts” puzzle Some parts of Paul’s letters (to the Romans, Corinthians, Ephesians, etc.) can be a bit “puzzling.” But his central message is that God knows our hearts. God knew we needed Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The gifts of Jesus’ love and the Holy Spirit’s power are for EVERYONE. Design your puzzle with the message “God knows our hearts” or another favorite message from Paul’s letters.

Activity 2: Thank Your Mail Carrier! Make a thank you card or leave a treat for your mail carrier to let them know you appreciate the hard work they do make sure you always get your mail! 

Click HERE Family Activity Worksheets and Coloring Pages!

Pray Together

“Dear God, Thank you for your gifts of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. You know us and love us so well. We love you, God! Amen.”

Bless Each Other

At the end of your time, give each other a special blessing to remember one of God’s promises.

Pass a note to each other that says, “God loves you and I do too!”