The Promise
Jacob & Esau
Our journey together this year is exploring God’s Big Story in the Old Testament! Last unit, we looked at the Beginning stories in the first part of Genesis, now we are headed to the second part of Genesis where we learn about some of the first leaders and families in the Bible.
It is encouraged that families watch the videos, read the texts, reflect on the summaries, respond to the questions and pray together. However, Club 56 participants can also do this on their own- you might need a journal for journaling some thoughts!
Welcome Video
Watch a quick preview of what’s going on today!
Review Video
Watch a quick review of where we are at with God’s Big Story thus far in the Bible!
Introduction Video
Let Leah set the stage for this week’s story!
Connect Video
Get a taste of this week’s theme by watching this video!
Connect is a curriculum from SPARK that is specifically designed for 5th and 6th graders.
Read, Reflect & Respond
Take some time to dig in deep to the Bible!
Need a Bible? Contact Leah M!
The video includes a further dig at the story of Jacob & Esau and Leah sets you up to understand the Genesis Text!
Watch it if you would like help walking through this text, otherwise the text information is below.
Read the Text: Genesis 27:21-29
After you read, write “God loves and uses the least likely” at the end of this passage to help you remember that God’s promise is for everyone, even people that are “heels” (you will learn what this word means in the Remember (Club 56 Binder) Section).
Reflect on the Summary:
“If God’s blessings were only for the deserving, who among us would receive them? God’s blessings come through God’s grace and are rarely given because someone is worthy. Because of this, whom God chooses to bless might appear arbitrary, but God seems to value different things than we do. Isaac, the first child God promised to Abraham and Sarah, had grown old. To prepare for his life’s end, Isaac sought out the firstborn of his twin sons, Esau, to offer his blessing. Esau and Jacob had struggled against each other since they shared their mother, Rebekah’s, womb. As children, Esau traded his birthright for a pot of Jacob’s stew. Later, Jacob plotted to deceive his father and secure his brother’s inheritance. By wearing Esau’s clothes and covering his smooth skin with animal hide, Jacob tricked their blind father into granting him Esau’s blessing. When Isaac learned of the deception, he was angry! But Isaac could not take the blessing from Jacob, even though it was gained by deception. Is it fair? No, but who of us is deserving? Who hasn’t sinned? God’s blessings are not reserved for spiritual giants. God doesn’t cast away those who are undeserving. God redeems them.”
Respond to the Questions:
- In ancient times, the firstborn son inherited the father’s wealth no matter what kind of person he was. Women couldn’t even own property. This seems pretty unfair. Do you think Jacob had a right to get what he could? Why or why not?
- God used very imperfect people like Jacob, who stole his brother’s blessing. How does that shape your view of God?
Want to explore more texts? Pick one (or both) of the texts below!
This video is optional to help set you up to understand the following two texts.
Read the Text #2: Deuteronomy 1:6-11
As you read, underline all the names you have a hard time saying out loud. Then, at the end of this passage write “God is God of everywhere and everyone”
Reflect on the Summary:
“God made a covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but a long, long, long time passed before their descendants took possession of the Promised Land. After escaping slavery and wandering the desert for 40 years, the Israelites were finally about to enter the Promised Land. Though God provided all they needed, the Israelites doubted. Even when they rebelled, God kept the covenant with them and gave them the Promised Land.”
Respond to the Questions:
- What kinds of rules do you have to follow? Who gives them to you?
What would your life be like if you had no rules?
How does it feel to disappoint adults, yet they love you anyway?
How does it feel to know God loves you even when you mess up?
Read the Text #3: Luke 18:9-14
As you read, underline the words that label something or someone. At the end of this passage, write “God loves all people!”
Reflect on the Summary:
“God made a covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but a long, long, long time passed before their descendants took possession of the Promised Land. Along the way, the Israelites lost faith and broke the covenant. God, however, remained faithful and called them into the Promised Land.”
Respond to the Questions:
- What are modern-day labels given to people that others do not think are worthy, likeable or “good people”? How does it feel to be called these labels? What does God think of these people?
Remember (Club 56 Binder)
Our Club 56 Binders are for taking notes and helping us remember details in God’s Big Story!
Need a binder? Contact Leah M.
Leah gives you hints on what to write in your binder, watch it to help tie everything together!
Get out your Club 56 Binder and find the green page with the foot (labeled Jacob & Esau). Find the paragraph about why we are using a foot (actually the heel of the foot) as a symbol to remember this story and read about it!
On or around the foot (heel), write important key words, people, events or notes that you want to remember about the Jacob & Esau story.
Need help? Revisit the texts we explored today or read the paragraph at the bottom of the paper.
Pray with Leah or Pray the prayer with your family below!
“God of Promise,
Thank you for following through on your promises and continue to remind us just how much you love us. Thank you for your forgiveness and openness to love all people!
In your name,
Quoted texts are revised from:
Connect Leader Guide. Unit 1—Beginnings: Tower of Babel. © 2013 sparkhouse. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced for local use only provided each copy carries this notice.