Teaching Kindness. Standing Together. Celebrating All.
Nativity LGBTQ+ Family Week is an opportunity to celebrate our beautiful LGBTQ+ community at Nativity with a focus on visibility, affirmation, and solidarity with children, students and families. Join us as we learn how to be allies through art, education and story.
How Can I Be An Ally?
Ally is a verb. Allyship is not performative, it’s action-oriented. Being an ally means taking action in solidarity with LGBTQ students and families and responding to their self-determined requests, for example, using the correct pronouns when referring to those in our LGBTQ+ community. We all have a role in supporting the LGBTQ community at Nativity.
LGBTQ Family Week Monday Morning Reflection
As we kick-off our LGBTQ+ Family Week at Nativity, we would like to thank Momoko Tanno for this beautiful morning Taize prayer.
Set The Example. Advocacy Is Important.
Each day at 12:00 p.m. CST we will post an Advocacy project that lifts up and brings awareness for the LGBTQ+ community.
Monday Advocacy: Post coming soon…
Help Your Child Or Youth Navigate Their Curiosity Through Reading.
When children and youth begin growing curious about the world around them, they usually look to their parents to explain. But, what if you honestly don’t know what to say? It is okay not to know. It can be natural to want to have all the answers, but sometimes the best answer is, ‘I’m not sure. But let’s look into it and learn about it together.” Here are some suggested books for different ages that introduce different LGBTQ+ perspectives.
Monday- StoryBook Time Books:
In My Heart- Read by Rebecca & Gabriella Purchase Here
Neither- Read by Riya Purchase Here
If you would like to put your name in the drawing to win the book “Neither” answer this question on Facebook or Instagram with the #nativitylgbtqweek. Don’t have social media, send to kelly@nativitychurch.org :
How do you define Beloved Community?
Contact Minister of Social Justice & Advocacy for CYF – Kelly Sherman-Conroy for more details. kelly@nativitychurch.org