As we continue to navigate the challenges of the pandemic, this can be a good time to consider a daily devotional, a short reading each day that highlights a scripture passage or spiritual concept for personal reflection and integration.
In addition to helping us ground our day with a meaningful message, these readings may illuminate some aspect of our spiritual lives in unexpected ways. They may give language to concerns, fears, insights or questions we haven’t put words to. They may open up our emotional experience of these present circumstances. They may spur us to consider new means of service or connection with others. The simple act of taking time for a daily meditation reading brings our faith into deeper practice.
Here are a few online/app resources the spiritual directors’ group at Nativity recommends.
- John Philip Newell’s Daily Meditations
- Henri Nouwen Society Daily Meditations
- Joan Chittister’s Weekly Message
- Matthew Fox’s Daily Meditations
- Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditations (also available as weekly email)
- Pray As You Go (Available online and as an app. Daily 10-minute guided meditation with music, reading, questions and silence)
- Centering Prayer App by Contemplative Outreach (Available for both iPhone and Android, English or Spanish language. Includes adjustable timers, background sounds, additional prayers.)
What daily devotional or prayer/meditation source has been helpful to you? I invite you to share your favorites as well as any questions in accessing these or other devotional resources.
Peace and well-being to each of you,
Jennifer Wannen, Nativity Member & Spiritual Director